Communication At Work | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month!
In the month of May, the American Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) fosters awareness about the loss of hearing and other communication disorders with Better Hearing and Speech Month. This year’s theme, “Communication at Work,” focuses on the essential connection between hearing health and work. Hearing loss impedes our ability to recognize speech, and if…
Acupuncture for Hearing Loss & Tinnitus: Does it Really Work?
About 48 million Americans have some form of hearing loss, and even more have tinnitus, the ringing, or hissing that is heard only by the person with the condition. The most common hearing loss treatment is wearing hearing aids, which help you hear all the sounds around you. But that hasn’t stopped some people trying…
Can Hearing Loss Be Cured?
For many years it has been assumed that the most common form of hearing loss is irreversible. Those who experience hearing loss in advanced years usually have experienced damage to the sensitive hair-like structures of the inner ear. Once these hairs have been damaged, it was traditionally believed that the damage was permanent. However, recent…
How Treating Hearing Loss Improves Your Relationships
Hearing loss is an intensely personal health issue, which means many people living with hearing loss find it hard to see how their hearing affects others, especially those closest to them. Untreated hearing loss can really hurt your relationships with friends and family, sometimes without you recognizing the impact your hearing loss is having on…
Improve Your Quality of Life with Hearing Aids
It is not uncommon for people with untreated hearing loss to have a poorer quality of life in various areas. Those with untreated hearing loss are at higher risk for social anxiety, mental fatigue, depression, and many other conditions. Not to mention poor workplace performance as a result of any one or a combination of…
September is World Alzheimer’s Month.
Each year in September, there is an international effort to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s and the stigma attached to the disease. Dementia is a nonreversible decline in mental functions. As a result, thought, memory, emotion, language and awareness of surroundings are all affected. Alzheimer’s is a disease and the most common form of dementia. Sixty…
Coming to Terms with Your Hearing Loss
Losing one of your all-important senses can be a wrenching jolt that is tough to come to grips with. At Audiology Associates of Redding, we understand, and our caring and compassionate staff – as well as Peach the mascot – are ready to help you understand that hearing loss is a challenge that can be…
In the Loop: Get the Most out of Your Hearing with Hearing Loop Technology
Imagine spaces as small as a city cab to a large train station to a music auditorium as being inclusive environments to those with hearing impairments. With the advent of the audio induction loop, it is possible now for many public spaces to be navigated with greater ease and clarity. Here, we take a look…
The Role of Ears in the Balance System
Have you ever watched a gymnast on the balance beam and wondered how it is possible to do such amazing acrobatic feats while remaining on a thin elevated object? The things that gymnasts can do are truly amazing, and these feats rely on a fully integrated body with multiple sensors acting in concert. On the…
Talking about Hearing Loss: Why Your Disclosure Method Matters
We understand that it is not easy telling others about your hearing loss. Often, many people go out of their way to do just the opposite, feeling the information is too personal or embarrassing. However, studies are finding that disclosing your hearing loss can be beneficial to making conversations and communication easier. THREE DISCLOSURE METHODS…