Make The Most of a Night Out With Hearing Aids
If you have hearing loss, you might worry about the ways it can affect your social life and make activities you enjoy more difficult. The good news is you can enjoy a (day) or night out in Redding by using hearing aids. How Prevalent Is Hearing Loss? Hearing loss is a common condition that becomes…
How Hearing Aids Can Relieve Stress
We all go through difficult periods in our lives that can lead to higher levels of anxiety and stress. For many, hearing loss can be a significant stressor. You may be worried about missing important information during a work meeting. Or perhaps you feel mentally exhausted from struggling to understand what friends and family are…
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Wear Your Hearing Aids While You Sleep
Hearing aids are a fantastic tool for people with hearing loss. However, it’s important to remember to take them out before you sleep! Millions of People Have Hearing Loss Hearing loss is a common chronic condition that affects millions of Americans every year. Hearing aids can be a huge help to those with hearing loss….
Tips for Using Hearing Aids with an Active Lifestyle
According to a study published in the International Journal of Audiology, “Age-related hearing loss is an increasingly important public health problem affecting approximately 40% of 55–74 year olds. The primary clinical management intervention for people with hearing loss is hearing aids, however, the majority (80%) of adults aged 55–74 years who would benefit from a…
Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Offer a Simple Solution to a Complex Problem
Over-the-counter hearing aids, which do not require a prescription, might seem like a straightforward way to get treatment for your hearing loss. However, it’s difficult to navigate through the world of hearing assistance technology without the help of a professional. One study found that 73% percent of participants picked the wrong aid based on their…
Hearing Aids & Artificial Intelligence
For many of us, the term “artificial intelligence” conjures up images of R2D2, Robocop or other full-scale human robots from sci-fi movies. These advancements would most certainly fall into the category of artificial intelligence. In real life, however, artificial intelligence is a bit more subtle. You might be surprised to learn just how much artificial…
Improve Your Quality of Life with Hearing Aids
It is not uncommon for people with untreated hearing loss to have a poorer quality of life in various areas. Those with untreated hearing loss are at higher risk for social anxiety, mental fatigue, depression, and many other conditions. Not to mention poor workplace performance as a result of any one or a combination of…
Things to Consider when Selecting Hearing Aids
If you’ve made the leap to treat your hearing loss and are on the path to selecting the right hearing aid then congratulations! You have just made it over a hurdle that takes the majority of people living with hearing loss ten years or more! Now you can choose the hearing aid that is right…